Electric razors and disposable razors are allowed in your carry-on and checked bags. However, Safety and Straight razor blades must be in a checked bag no matter what! All blades must be checked in.
The TSA has a whole list of the type of batteries that are allowed in your carry-on and checked bag. I will spare you the excitement, basically it’s fine to pack typical alkaline batteries in your carry-on and also lithium batteries but there are limits. No car batteries allowed!
What to carrying on your solid or liquid make-up? Do it! Pack whatever you want! You have to be careful with carrying on make-up that is liquid, lotion, gel, paste or cream form. They have to be in containers in 3.4 ounces or less put in one clear, quart sized, zip top bag.
Bring all of the deodorant you want - there is no limit on the size or quantity of solid or powder deodorant. But spray deodorant such as Axe, has to be no more than 3.4 ounces put in a clear, quart sized zip top bag.
-Conde Nast Traveler, Issue August 2018